It is the end of October 2018 when a terrible wind of scirocco, storm Vaia, hit the North east of Italy destroying 8 million cubic meter of forest. Three regions were affected by the storm: Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige and Friuli Venezia Giulia. This is the fact where All you need is a flower – June 2019 started from.
On the Veneto coast the situation was very serious because of wood, plastic and sometimes dead animals.
After 7 months, in June, we tried to understand all this destruction, the dangers that human being is facing and to give some proposals for changing .We had 4 day conferences, 1 day cleaning up a river and a bike ride to send a message to EU in Bruxelles, 1 art exhibition.
The entire event, 5 days, was included in ASVIS Festival Program, the annual Sustainable Development Festival the greatest event in Italy dedicated to the 2030 Agenda

Watch the video here All you need is a flower – June 2019