The tea(s) at five are 23 events, held in streaming in FB and YouTube, ranging from the lockdown period to the ASviS Sustainable Development Festival between September and October 2020
A lot has happened in these past months. Our Tea has evolved and transformed from a moment of “reasoning” and chatting about AFTER Covid – with entrepreneurs, professionals (including musicians) and Non Profit Organizations – to a more proactive activity. A way for discussing and sharing practices on how dealing with the crisis due to Covid and the issues relating to Sustainability
Only one thing is certain : the pandemic has highlighted a lifestyle that no longer works and is no longer sustainable

Tea at five… at 6
Tea at 5 o’clock … at 6 pm, was developed in 4 days in live streaming (here the program) and highlighted some important issues for Progetto Re-Cycle: sustainable tourism, art for inclusion, sustainable production and sustainable cities and spaces. They are all connected with UN Agenda 2030
A short scene taken from a movie was the introduction of the topic for each day
Day 1 – goal 8 and 10

On the first day, Sergeant Lo Russo (Diego Abatantuono in the movie Mediterraneo by Salvatores) with his famous phrase “They didn’t let us change anything. And then … And then I told them .. You have won, but at least you will not be able to consider me your accomplice. So I told them… and I came here ” provided the starting point to introduce the topic of changing in tourism and the relationship between tourism and environment. There were many ideas and tips. We ranged from the overcrowded Piana di Castelluccio during La Fioritura (blooming season) to talking about the CAI Sentiero Italia and our #disentieroinsentiero accessibility project.
Respire – the organization founded in France and developing in other parts of the world – introduced its re -writing the tourist activities in a changing world after pandemic. Then we found out how in San Giorgio delle Pertiche (PD) the citizens rediscovered their territory, during the lockdown, thanks to the works carried out by the Municipality in the green areas.
Day 2 – goal 10

On the second day, a flying dove in the musical “Aggiungi un posto a tavola” was an introduction to the topic of art for inclusion. A very “sparkling” day. Some speakers are both artists and teachers and their teaching approach is a fruitful contamination between artistic disciplines and school subjects.
An artist can overcome language barriers, music can be the gateway to other disciplines in school. In addition, children can become artists themselves. The Splash Museum provides an example: a museum in progress, where the works are created together by children and artists who meet in the atelier of the S.G. Bosco Primary School
Day 3 – goal 12

Here we are on the third day, practically “made in Veneto”. For this day the choice fell on the film “The Company Men” and on the scene at the disused shipyards. This neglected area will become the re-departure of many professionals fired by companies that now produce mainly “paper work”. How can we re-start production in a sustainable way? Can even SMEs work and produce in a sustainable way? What is the role of industrial design? We had concrete examples from two companies – a company working cork and one other developing air conditioning systems for vertical farms – from a consultant, who has been following a sustainability project by Assindustria Veneto Centro for four years, and from an industrial designer
Day 4 – goal 11

Fourth and last day dedicated to sustainable spaces and cities. Here he photo of the climate clock in New York opened the session. This installation marks the time that humanity needs to stop before entering an irreversible climate emergency. We have little time but can we do anything? All the speakers presented projects and proposals to “stop time”.
From the new living model of Circular Housing we moved to the design related to exhibitions. By using devices and materials we can be able to make a qualitative leap in the direction of sustainability. From the concrete post lockdown management – seen from a consumer’s perspective – in the hospitality and catering sectors, we moved to the sustainable management process of an entire event. So YES there is still room for doing something to “stop time”
Four intense days, with engaging discussions full of ideas. We came across with other interesting projects and will certainly keep an eye on all these projects. With a little luck we will meet in person next year
Click here for the video complete playlist