Progetto Re-Cycle

Progetto Re-Cycle aims to spread the culture of sustainability by developing the multiple aspects of Recycling contained in our Manifesto.

Rethinking and redesigning a more sustainable world with an approach which, in addition to being linked to environment and economy, becomes a new cultural project.

Progetto Re-Cycle was founded in 2016. Its commitment is to conduct research on the revaluation of the historical, cultural, architectural, environmental and economic heritage that can be found in Italy .We link environmental sustainability to the characteristics of the territories, tourism and accessibility.  Digitization processes are the support for our projects as in #disentieroinsentiero #accessiblelife.

By developing channels for aggregating professionals, companies , institutions and citizens we want to develop an approach to new production and consumption models. And we really want to encourage opportunities  to bridge the gap between entrepreneurship and culture. 

Do you want to join our group?

Find out more on our projects

Since January 2020 we have been ASviS  –  Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development – Associate


In 2022, Google Local Guides Community have nominated our president Antonella Grana and Ermes Tuon as Sustainability Guiding Stars . Guiding Stars in 2022, are 54 selected out of 160 million members

Here a series of articles and videos about us and our activities

Mélange Accessibility for All+Accessible Journeys (project Accessible Life)

Mapping Social Inclusion : The Strength And Passion Of Google’s Local Guides

UomoeAmbiente – progresso sostenibile – società benefit

Antonella Grana, Presidente, racconta Progetto Re-Cycle

Local Guides Connect – Google Community

Sustainability tips from Connect Moderator



Di sentiero in sentiero – tra accessibilità e sostenibilità

ASviS – Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sosteninile

Dopo il lockdown si riparte con un turismo più sostenibile

#Alleanzaagisce – come la rete ha risposto all’emergenza Covid


Best of 2021 ASviS Sustainable Development Festival

Antonella Grana – President Progetto Re-Cycle

Radio Città del Capo


No plastic via la plastica

La Piazza Treviso



La responsabilità del disastro ambientale- panel a margine della mostra Enchanted Nature

Next to Life

Partire dal già fatto per dare nuovi impulsi


Donne dei Sibillini a Bolognola

Tutti Agibili per un Giorno – Visso

Il giornale della Protezione Civile

Le donne dei Sibillini si raccontano

Senza Filtro

Terremoto centro Italia: Google Maps ridisegna tutto

The team

Antonella Grana  Ermes Tuon  Emanuele Persiani Giorgio Tremel AidA Marketing&Formazione, Valnerina OnLine, Uomo&Ambiente

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