
Tourism and sustainability at “Tea at 5”

We had already dealt with the subject during the 2020 ASviS Festival. In this new edition of our Tea at  5 we will talk, once again,  about tourism and sustainability and we will do it above all with  local administrators and experts of  the sectors

We will range from widespread hospitality to the “cross and delight” of the relaunch of the territories after Covid.

What can public administrators do? Are there tourist possibilities for the smaller and lesser known municipalities of the Italian province? Is the PNRR useful, or not at all? Is it difficult to be managed by those who have few human resources in their staff?

How important can widespread hospitality and Paese Albergo (a specific kind of widespread hospitality)  be for the smallest municipalities?

We will answer all these questions starting from May 24 for 6 episodes. We will always be online on our YouTube channel (subscribe to receive notifications) and on our FB page (follow us)

Tourism and sustainability at "Tea at 5"

Tourism and sustainability at “Tea at 5″will be in Italian, for the detailed program click here

As always, Antonella Grana, president of Progetto Re-Cycle, will coordinate the activities and talk with our guests.

Do you have any topic to propose? Write to us! Don’t worry about language! We have already hosted Tea in English.

In the meantime, come and visit us at 5.30 pm on our YouTube channel and on our FB page

PS Small anticipation … We are planning a “Tea at 5”  in person!

Tourism and sustainability at "Tea at 5"
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