Buildings and sustainable tourism, a slightly modified title for this article that I am re-proposing – taken from Quaderno 11 – and that traces many stages of our history. From Norcia to the earthquake in Central Italy in 2016, from the mapping of trails – for inclusive and sustainable tourism – to Local Guides and the world of Google. And, last but not least, the difference that I always highlight between the identity and soul of places.
The technology for mapping has changed a bit but basically everything is still the same.

One thing, however, no longer exists, even if the idea was more than good. The start-up Storie – mentioned in the article – for the construction of sustainable buildings no longer exists. Let’s say that having opened in February 2019 was not a good omen
However, returning to Progetto Re-Cycle, the activities for sustainable tourism continue and, once again, I am inviting our readers to let us know new trails. Here is the link to #accessiblelife

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