
Casale sul Sile and Quarto d’Altino

CASALE SUL SILE and QUARTO D’ALTINO by Martina Ancona, Miriam Arculeo, Sebastiano Cecchini, Marta Costantini, Domenico Scribano, Melissa Serafin, Mariasole Trabucco – III A, “Tourism” ITT MAZZOTTI TREVISO for the Q18 TURISMO 20.0 School, tourism, territory

The students take us for a short walk along the river Sile and Veneto countryside

Casale sul Sile and Quarto d'Altino

Continue reading “Casale sul Sile and Quarto d’Altino” here



THE ALTO SILE TERRITORY by Martina Corrent, Nicole Didonè, Miriam Lamon, Aurora Manera, Alberto Pilo – III A, “Tourism” ITT MAZZOTTI TREVISO for the Q18 TURISMO 20.0 School, tourism, territory

This in-depth study, concerning the upper Sile area of ​​the Pianura Padana, has the aim of promoting the territory and its numerous, but still little-known, natural and cultural resources as well as its catering and accommodation services.

With this short presentation we want to introduce our readers to the traditions, history, culture, events, cuisine and activities to be carried out in these places. Places where we have grown up and that we have seen developing in the tourism and cultural fields.

The locations we explored were chosen for the connection we have with them; our hope is that they can be appreciated in the best possible way.


Continue reading “Let’s meet the Alto Sile territory” here


Are Italians sustainable travellers?

Are Italians sustainable travellers? by Benedetta Strippoli – (V B student of tourism studies ITSET A. Martini Castelfranco Veneto -TV-) for Q18 TOURISM 20.0 School, tourism, territory

Are Italians sustainable travellers

Sustainable tourism is an increasingly relevant topic for people who love to travel and want to contribute to the protection of the environment and the well-being of the community. But what does exactly “sustainable tourism” mean? According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), sustainable tourism is a form of tourism that “protects and enhances future opportunities, while meeting the needs of travelers and host communities”. Its main features include the protection of environmental resources to preserve the natural and cultural environment of the tourist destination. Secondly, responsible tourism allows local communities to benefit from tourism activities in terms of income and quality of life. Furthermore, sustainable tourism aims to provide travelers with authentic and meaningful experiences.

But the question is: “Are Italians sustainable travellers?” Continue reading here


Experienced-based and sustainable tourism

Experienced-based and sustainable tourism by Chiara Ceccon (teacher of corporate tourism studies ITSET A. Martini Castelfranco Veneto -TV -) for Q18 TOURISM 20.0 School, tourism, territory

The research and training project launched by Aida Marketing e Formazione, Progetto Re-Cycle and Paesi e Poesie, in collaboration with six Venetian and Calabrian schools and two municipalities, Zero Branco (TV) in Veneto and Caulonia (RC) in Calabria, has led to the analysis of the data from the questionnaires collected. The questionnaires asked the students of the six schools involved some questions relating to their relationship with the territory and how they experience sustainable tourism.

Experienced-based and sustainable tourism

Continue reading Experienced-based and sustainable tourism here


Young students critical perception on tourism

Young students critical perception on tourism by Lucia Ammendolia for our Q18 TURISMO 20.0 Scuola, turismo, territorio

In this Quaderno our starting point was the Tourism 20.0 project (20 like the Italian regions). Our aim is to highlight the world of school, a real cross-section that helps us to have a more complete and broader picture relating to the perception of the tourism topic, offering an authentic overview of the school dimension. Our intent is above all to stimulate thinking and to encourage young people to have a critical point of view regarding the concept of tourism.

Due to the rapid evolution with which tourism is increasingly intertwined with the sustainability of the natural, social and economic environment, it is essential to listen to and support those who will inherit the situations that we adults are already leaving behind us.

Young students critical perception

Continue reading Young students critical perception here


But do places have a soul?

But do places have a soul? Introduction to Quaderno18 edited by il prato publishing house
I have been asking myself this question quite often recently, I even wrote about it some time ago, when I had already made a distinction between identity and soul.

But do places have a soul

My answer to the question is YES, without a doubt on my part. But really, I’m thinking about this matter over and over. I think there is a crucial distinction between identity and soul if we want to develop a real sustainable tourism. So, I will try to answer myself. Again.


Identity or soul

Here I go back to my initial question and introduce the identity variable. Nowadays it is quite common to link the word identity to places. In my opinion this word is divisive, we are looking for the characteristics that differentiate one place from another rather than what they have in common. A phenomenon that I find worrying since I have the clear impression – walking around the villages – that they are all becoming the same, with similar promotions and with a strong emphasis on food and wine and typical products. Don’t get me wrong, typical products are fine but when, to push a product and a territory, tourist operators invent “the way (cammino) of the prosecco hills” you can easily understand that it is not a pilgrims’ way […]

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TOURISM 20.0 School, tourism, territory is the full title of the event, which will take place on May 21st in Zero Branco in the province of Treviso. It is included in the ASviS Festival for Sustainable Development 2024

We will present – yes… once again – one of our favorite subjects: sustainable tourism. The setting will be the beautiful scenario of Villa Guidini

Tourism 20.0

The event is the final part of the Turistico 20.0 pilot project, a sustainable tourism project which aims to enhance the province territory and connect the North and South of the country, also involving our future tourism operators: male and female students of tourist schools.

The program

Tourism 20.0

The event will be held in Italian.

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Turistico 20.0 – tourism from schools to the territory

Turistico 20.0 – tourism from schools to the territory – is the title of a project aimed at the Tourism Professionals of Tomorrow. In this very first phase it has involved 6 schools and two municipalities between Calabria and Veneto.

Turistico 20.0 is a sustainable tourism project that aims to enhance the whole territory of the peninsula and connect the North and South of Italy. An idea by Aida Marketing & Formazione, Paesi e Poesie, and, last but not least, Progetto Re-Cycle

As Progetto Re-Cycle we intend to interact with students and strengthen their knowledge of sustainable and inclusive tourism. In our case we can add digitalization as an extra value with  Accessible Life project by our Ermes Tuon. The Tourism Professionals of Tomorrow are the heart of Turistico 20.0. Last October, after a presentation webinar, the students who participated were asked to fill out a questionnaire. The purpose of the questionnaire is to understand their opinions and habits about tourism. We have collected all the data  and you can find the results HERE.


Tourism, people, training

Tourism, people, training is the introduction to our Q17 “School, professions and tourism trends” available from October here


There is a urgent need to strengthen training, nowadays funded training is of crucial importance. I have more than 25 years of experience in the sector, I know something about it, having held multiple roles. What have we done? I would say the most positive point is undoubtedly that talking about training, even in small companies, is no longer a taboo and believe me it is no small step. What do we have to do? A lot and here I go by bullet list: […]

People or lemons to squeeze? Leila’s story in Venice

Leila is a fictional name, but she represents a real person, or better to say, several people – all women – who spent a day in Venice. This is already a bad start, as they represent the tourist type that isn’t exactly well received in the lagoon city. They are those of “hit and run” tourism, the ones who go to the supermarket and prepare sandwiches which they will then eat somewhere. Maybe, while eating, somebody will tell them “Venice is not Disneyland”. It’s a shame as that these people approached the city with great respect, they tried to visit as many things as possible, but their expectations were not met. Queues everywhere, skyrocketing prices and non-existent services […]

Tourism people training

Continue reading “Tourism, people, training” here

ris For all Quaderni published by il prato click here


Summer season 2023

Summer season at Cavallino Treporti coast

Summer season 2023 at Cavallino Treporti coast by Tiziano Simonato is the fourth article of our Q17 “School, professions and tourism trends” available from October here

This summer season has just ended and this year the positive trend – already recorded in 2022-  is confirmed as well. Arrivals and presences in the outdoor tourism sector are at pre-Covid levels. A good sign for the restart of holidays and travel in general, despite the unfavorable economic situation.

Tourists from Germany, Austria and Switzerland are the regular guests of the Cavallino Treporti  coast in summer  […]   The Municipality of Cavallino-Treporti has even established the “Ambassador Award”. A ceremony takes place to recognize the families of foreign guests -recommended by the tourist villages- who have spent their holidays at Cavallino for decades

Summer season 2023

Continue reading “Summer season 2023 at Cavallino Treporti coast” here

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