#raccogliescatta: operation clean and… recognized Municipality
A “choral” and aggregative project that aims to combine the environment, enhancement of territories, photography and digital processes. The project with its first event took place on 2 and 4 October 2021. Eight municipalities were involved: Cavallino Treporti (VE), Cavallirio (NO), Ghemme (NO), Grignasco (NO), Maggiora (NO), Prato Sesia (NO), Romagnano Sesia (NO) and Zero Branco (TV)
The project #raccogliescatta clean Municipality in a nutshell
1. The areas to be cleaned from plastic, masks, etc. are identified and a first photo is taken. After the cleaning activity, a second photo is taken
2. The areas to be made known / revalued are identified. The focus is an approach to slow and sustainable tourism. The photos are taken
3. All photos are collected in a shared virtual map
Thanks to Antonella Grana, Carla Bordini Bellandi, Ermes Tuon and Giorgio Tremel for their work for the project
The event was included in ASviS Sustainable Development Festival 2021